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How to Create an Emergency Preparedness Kit

Residential Restoration
Author: ServiceMaster Restore

Disasters can strike anywhere at any time, often leaving communities with little time to react. Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires and other events can cause plenty of destruction within minutes, making it crucial that you’re able to get to safety as soon as possible.

To help keep yourself and your loved ones safe in a disaster, prepare an emergency plan ahead of time. Then, create a fully stocked emergency preparedness kit that includes everything your family would need if you have to evacuate within a moment’s notice.

Use these tips from the experts at ServiceMaster RestoreÒ to help you create your own disaster preparedness kit.

Emergency kit list

Before you begin collecting items to add to your kit, sit down and write out an emergency preparedness kit list. This will be your own personal checklist. Think about the essentials each individual in your household must have every day to keep them safe. Some items may include:

  • Medications
  • Eyeglasses or contact lenses and solution
  • Hearing aids and batteries
  • Clothing
  • Food and water
  • Money

If you have young children, it may be a good idea to include a favorite blanket or toy in the kit to remind them of home during an otherwise stressful time. While writing out your kit list, get your kids involved in the emergency preparedness process to help them better understand what to do if the unexpected strikes.

After listing out the essentials, think about what you may need to bring with you if you were instructed to evacuate your home. These items may include:

  • Photocopies of important documents, like birth certificates, insurance information, driver’s licenses and bank account information.
  • Phone numbers, including family members, insurance agents, work contacts and kids’ schools.

What to have in an emergency kit

Along with your personal items, there are essential items every disaster kit should have to help you and your family in the event of an emergency. Browse the following lists to determine what you and your family may need in case a tornado, hurricane or other disaster strikes your neighborhood:


  • Extra cell phone
  • Chargers or reserve power banks
  • Portable, battery-powered emergency radio
  • Extra batteries


  • First aid kit
  • Multi-tool pocket knife
  • Flashlight
  • Flares
  • Non-electric can opener
  • Sturdy rope
  • Duct tape
  • Whistle
  • Blankets
  • Sanitation supplies

Personalize your emergency kit to match your family’s needs. For example, if you have pets or young children, you may need to add supplies that can keep protected from disasters, too.

Where to put your emergency kit

After you’ve gathered all your disaster supplies, it’s time to assemble your kit. Place each item into a sturdy, waterproof container. Then, store your container in a place that can be easily accessed in an emergency, like a closet near the front door or near your garage.

By building an emergency preparedness kit today, you can better prepare for tomorrow’s risks. While you assemble your items, know that you’re not alone. At ServiceMaster Restore, we’re committed to helping our neighbors get back on their feet after the worst happens. With the proper knowledge, expertise and decades of experience under our belt, our weather damage clean-up services will help you every step of the way to ensure your home – and your life – get back to normal as quickly as possible. Contact your nearest ServiceMaster Restore location today and see how we can help you recover from weather damage.

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