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Fire Damage Restoration Services in Ashland, WI

Professional Assistance for Ashland Home After a Fire

The aftermath of a fire can leave your home in ruins. Debris, damage, and materials must be removed before restoration efforts can begin. ServiceMaster Recovery by Restoration Holdings - Ashland evaluates the extent of destruction caused by the fire and the extinguishing process to commence our clean up and repair services. Rooms not directly affected may experience residual damage from smoke, ash, or water if left untreated; these compounds continue to spread throughout a structure and can pose health hazards. To combat all aspects of this problem - including smoke and soot removal - you need professional help at every stage: only ServiceMaster Recovery by Restoration Holdings has both the knowledge and expertise necessary, along with access to the appropriate tools required for successful completion of such projects.

Why Choose ServiceMaster Recovery by Restoration Holdings - Ashland for Fire Restoration Near You?

We are a local restoration company in Ashland, WI with over 65 years of experience. ServiceMaster Recovery by Restoration Holdings - Ashland has been helping home owners repair and rebuild, getting their lives back to normal. Our natural disaster cleanup company uses the best techniques without compromising quality. We understand how stressful this time can be for you and look forward to being by your side through it all.

Trust the fire damage restoration services at ServiceMaster Recovery by Restoration Holdings to help you start rebuilding. Contact us Online to Start the recovery process.

Our Process for Fire Damage Restoration & Smoke Damage Clean-Up in Ashland, WI

Fire damage extends beyond what has been burned. Fires can result in other extensive damage as a result of the smoke and the process of putting out the fire. Smoke damage can spread throughout your building to areas not affected by the actual fire, and the sprinkler system in your building can cause damage to your walls, floors, and belongings.

Other fire damages that could affect your Ashland home include:

  • Ash and smoke can continue to cause damage and corrosion to materials left behind.
  • Smoke and soot residue remain on surfaces long after the fire and continue to cause problems until they are removed.
  • Within minutes, walls, equipment, surfaces, and other areas can be discolored.
  • Smoke causes etching in glass and will tarnish metal quickly.

Our Fire Restoration Process

Our thorough, proven fire restoration process in Ashland, WI includes:

  • Inspecting the structural integrity of the building for safety
  • Identifying the source to determine the type of fire that occurred
  • Evaluating all areas that suffered water damage as a result of fire suppression efforts to identify those that may need treatment
  • Remediating water damage (if any)
  • Evaluating sensitive materials that may be damaged as a result of smoke and soot particles
  • Removing contents from the building
  • Securing removal, storage, and cleaning of sensitive files and data storage devices
  • Salvaging of product stock, raw materials, commodities, and machinery
  • Packing out the remaining contents for cleaning and storage

Fires Often Result in the Need for Structural Restoration

We perform structural restoration, including:

  • Removing any charred contents that may seal in smoke, such as insulation and burned wood
  • Evaluating carpets and floor coverings that may need to be removed
  • Treating affected surfaces for smoke odors and sealing to keep any leftover odors from leaking back into the building
  • Cleaning, eliminating odors, and deodorizing surfaces to pre-loss condition
  • Returning items to the original location and helping to restore your normal operation

Smoke continues to destroy your structure and its contents even after the fire is out. Smoke that has coated or penetrated surfaces continues to affect the chemical composition of fabrics, metals, walls, ceilings, and tile. Count on us to handle every aspect of the smoke and soot removal, as well as restore areas damaged by fire. We’ve got you covered with a comprehensive range of fire damage restoration services in Ashland, WI. These services include soot, smoke, and odor removal.

What Causes Fires in Homes?

Protecting your loved ones and your home from the devastating effects of house fires requires understanding the common triggers behind them. By recognizing these factors, you can take proactive steps to minimize the risk and ensure your family's safety.

Some of the primary culprits include:

  • Mishandling of Flammable Materials like Candles: Inadequate storage or improper usage of candles, especially when placed near curtains or combustible items, can inadvertently lead to ignition.
  • Indoor Smoking: Disposing of cigarettes carelessly or smoking in bed can easily spark flames, potentially causing extensive damage to furniture or bedding.
  • Electrical Hazards: Faulty wiring or overloaded circuits due to outdated wiring or numerous appliances can generate excessive heat, resulting in hazardous electrical fires.
  • Heating Appliances: Neglected maintenance of heating systems or positioning flammable objects too close to heaters can provoke fires, especially during colder seasons.
  • Neglectful Cooking Practices: Leaving cooking unattended on the stove, particularly when dealing with grease, can escalate into kitchen fires that spread rapidly.

Taking proactive steps to reduce the risk of fire damage is crucial. By following these essential precautions, you can lower the chances of a fire incident in your home. However, if your home does suffer from fire and smoke damage, we're here to help.

Contact us online or call (715) 230-3069 today for prompt and reliable support during this challenging period.

Ashland, WI Fire Restoration FAQ

What Type of Fire Damage Does Your Ashland, WI Restoration Service Provide?

Our Ashland, WI services include smoke, soot and fire damage repair; structure stabilization; equipment removal onsite cleaning and sanitizing. We also offer full-scale rebuilding or remodeling if needed in order to restore your property back to pre-fire condition.