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Kills 99.9999% of germs!

A cleaner working in a roomSteraMist uses a very low concentration of Hydrogen peroxide solution and sends it through a plasma arc which creates hydroxyl radicals; the most effective bacteria killing molecules in the world. This patented iHP technology has a particle size of .05-3 aerosolized microns that disinfect and evaporate on impact, leaving behind no residue and does NOT contaminate the environment with any toxic by-products. The SteraMist solution is non-corrosive or invasive and is safe to be sprayed on sensitive surfaces; such as computers, hospital and lab equipment, phones and more.

SteraMist was created by DARPA after September 11, 2001 to combat against Anthrax and since has been used to kill 99.9999% of germs in the most dangerous viruses; from Ebola, C-Diff, Hepatitis C and now COVID-19. SteraMist has been vetted by the EPA, FDA and USDA and is EPA registered for use in hospitals, labs, spas, gyms, schools and more.

  • Developed by DARPA to kill Anthrax after 9/11/2001
  • Kills 99.9999% of bacteria and germs in the world’s most dangerous viruses.
  • Fully vetted and registered by the EPA, FDA and USDA
  • EPA registered for use in Hospitals, Labs, Schools, Gyms and more.
  • Leaves NO residue and does not contaminate the environment.
  • Most effective and least invasive solution in the world .

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