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LINCOLN Fire & Smoke Damage Clean-Up Services

ServiceMaster Restoration Services NEAR YOU

Seeing your home and precious possessions consumed by fire can be one of the most severe losses that a homeowner can experience. After such a devastating loss, reassurance comes from having clear guidance and support in salvaging as much as possible from fire and smoke damage.

At ServiceMaster Restoration Services, our technicians are more than just talented professionals; they’re caring people ready to get your home back to normal as quickly as possible while keeping you informed every step of the way. With our comprehensive range of fire damage services, including soot, smoke, and odor removal, ServiceMaster Restoration Services has got you covered.

If you have experienced fire damage to your home, call the fire restoration experts at ServiceMaster Restoration Services. ServiceMaster Restoration Services provides service to Lincoln City, Newport, Tillamook and all surrounding areas. With one call, we’re at your side, providing expert guidance on what to do, with the experience to get your home back to its pre-loss condition. We are available 24/7, every day of the year to provide you with emergency fire and smoke damage services.

Contact us any time for smoke removal and soot cleanup IN LINCOLN by calling (541) 262-5571!

Restoration expert in Lincoln talking with customer about restoration services

Common Types of Fires That Could Affect Your Home

Though all fires can be devastating for your home, not all are the same. Each type of fire can result in different kinds of damage, which will require a different kind of solution.

The common types of fires include:

  • Protein Fire: Food from the oven or stove has burned, leaving strong, burned-food odors and smoke residue on contents and surfaces.
  • Complex Fire: Multiple natural and synthetic items inside your home have burned, causing greasy yellow residue on contents and surfaces and synthetic smoke odors. Here, emergency corrosion mitigation is needed to protect at-risk surfaces.
  • Natural Fire: Trees, shrubs, and bushes have burned, and smoke has penetrated the structure from outside, so smoke residue and odor are present.
  • Furnace Malfunction: Heating appliances like oil-fired furnaces have malfunctioned and caused smoke to be distributed throughout the property.

Fire Damage Goes Beyond Burning Items

The walls and roof of your home are only the beginning of what is damaged during, and even after, a fire. Any item inside your house, even if it isn’t all that close to the fire itself, is susceptible to some damage:

  • Ash and smoke can continue to cause damage and corrosion to materials left behind.
  • Odors from smoke will stay in a room or a home long after the fire and continue to cause problems if they are not removed.
  • In a few minutes, walls and other surfaces can become discolored.
  • In a few hours, finishes on kitchen appliances turn yellow.
  • Smoke causes etching in glass after just a short time, and smoke will tarnish metal quickly.

Restoration company in Lincoln providing a fire and smoke damage restoration estimate

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services IN LINCOLN are Customized to Your Needs. Call (541) 262-5571 or contact us online Today!

Since no two properties are the same – and no two fires are either – the restoration process will vary from one home to the next. Our expert team will first assess all your damages before creating a plan of action.

Our thorough fire damage restoration process includes:

  • Identifying the source to determine the type of fire that occurred
  • Evaluating the areas that are wet as a result of firefighting that may need treatment
  • Remediating water damage (if necessary)
  • Evaluating sensitive materials that may be damaged as a result of smoke and soot particles
  • Removing contents—including the collection of immediate items you may need for the next seven days, such as clothing, prescriptions, toys, schoolbooks, business needs, etc.
  • Packing out remaining contents for cleaning and storage
  • Performing structural restoration, including removal of charred contents that may seal in smoke, such as insulation and burned wood
  • Evaluating carpets and floor coverings that may need to be removed
  • Inspecting the framing of the house and subfloors for safety
  • Treating affected surfaces for smoke odors
  • Sealing to prevent odors from leaking back into the house
  • Cleaning, eliminating odors, and deodorizing surfaces to pre-loss condition
  • Returning items to the original location and helping to make your house feel like home again

Why Should You Hire a Professional Restoration Company

The residue left behind after a fire can be hazardous and can cause health problems if it is not taken care of correctly and thoroughly. You do not want to attempt to clean up your home on your own after a fire, or you may end up causing more damage. Only experts with the right training and tools can ensure that the job is done properly. ServiceMaster Restoration Services is the expert of our field, with industry leading techniques and training developed over our 65+ years of experience.

Restoration expert shaking customer's hand after successful fire and smoke damage restoration services

Quick Tips for When You Experience a Loss

Here are some helpful tips on what you should do when you experience fire and smoke damage:

  • If the temperature is above 60 degrees, air out the house to reduce smoke odor.
  • Clean laminate surfaces as well as chrome, porcelain, and aluminum fixtures to prevent permanent tarnishing or etching.
  • Change the air filter on your furnace if it uses forced hot air.
  • Tape damp cheesecloth over returns and supply registers to capture loose soot in the air.
  • Discard any open food packages.
  • If the electricity is off, clean out the refrigerator and leave doors propped open.
  • Send clothing with heavy smoke damage to a qualified restoration dry cleaner.

What not to do:

  • Do not touch anything with your bare hands. Oil from your hands can permeate upholstery, walls, and woodwork, causing additional damage.
  • Do not wash the walls. Incorrect cleaning could compound the soot residue.
  • Do not attempt to clean carpets or upholstered furniture.
  • Do not use electrical appliances until having them checked.
  • Do not use ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet.

Disasters like fires can be quite traumatizing. Our restoration experts are always here for you. We offer 24/7 availability and work in a fast, efficient manner that never compromises quality. ServiceMaster Restoration Services is dedicated to helping you, your family, and your home get back to normal as quickly as possible.

Call (541) 262-5571 for more info on fire damage repair in Lincoln City.

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