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How To Prevent Ice Dams from Causing Property Damage

Your Ultimate Guide to Spotting and Addressing Ice Dams

Winter is a season of merriment, beauty, and charm. However, it also brings something most homeowners fear: Ice dams. If you live in an area that snows, you have likely encountered issues related to ice dams. Undoubtedly, one of the most damaging yet often overlooked winter problems is the build-up and formation of ice on roofs.

Over time, ice dams can cause severe damage to your home’s structure and even harm your family. As a result, it's important to understand what they are, how they form, and how they cause damage. Today, ServiceMaster by Fuson - Traverse City is here to discuss how ice dams form and how to prevent them. We want our local homeowners to enjoy a cozy winter indoors without worrying about ice dam-related complications.

Should a problem arise, we are available day and night – every hour of the year. Don’t hesitate to call our restoration team, and we’ll send out a specialist right away to assess and restore your damaged property. But before we talk about potential property damage, let’s focus on prevention. After all, the best way to deal with ice dams is to stop them from wreaking havoc in the first place.

What are Ice Dams?

Ice dams are formed when snow and ice on a roof thaw due to warm indoor temperatures, heat escaping from the attic, or mild sunshine. The melting snow and ice flow towards the colder parts of the roof, such as the gutters, where they re-freeze and form ice as they reach the colder eaves. This can result in a dam-like structure of ice that prevents proper drainage.

If this process continues, the ice can grow thicker, blocking the gutter and trapping more water behind it. As more water pools behind the dam, it can seep into infrastructure, causing damage to your roof's shingles, underlayment, insulation, and wood decking. It can even lead to mold growth and rot in your attic space, insulation, and ceilings.

How Do Ice Dams Form?

There is no single cause for ice dams. It's typically the result of a combination of factors such as a poorly insulated attic, heat loss through your roof, and inadequate attic ventilation. Excess heat escaping from your home may also melt the snow on the roof surface. This water trickles down, forming ice dams. The more substantial the temperature difference between your roof and the outside air, the more severe the ice dams can be.

How Do Ice Dams Cause Damage?

Ice dams can cause substantial damage to your property's interior and exterior. The excess weight of ice dams can stress your roof structure, causing it to sag or collapse. Furthermore, the slow but steady seepage can lead to water damage to your walls and ceiling. The persisting moisture often provides an ideal breeding ground for mold spores, which can cause health issues like allergies, asthma, and respiratory diseases.

What Can You Do About It?

Preventing ice dams from forming is the best approach to avoiding damage. Luckily, there are many things you can do to minimize the risk.

Some steps you can take to prevent ice dams include:

  • Insulating your attic: Proper insulation in the attic can prevent heat from escaping, keeping the roof’s temperature cold and preventing the snow from melting.
  • Proper ventilation: When the attic allows the warm air to escape, threatening attic heat is released instead of contained.
  • Sealing air leaks: Air leaks around pipes, vents, and chimneys can cause heat to escape your home. Sealing around ceiling fixtures with silicone caulking or weatherstripping can prevent heat loss from living areas and keep more heat from infiltrating the attic.
  • Installing heat cables: Heat cables can prevent ice dams by creating channels that help water flow smoothly.
  • Removing snow from your roof: If snow is not removed, it can cause ice dams to form. Use a roof rake or hire a professional to remove the snow. Be careful not to damage your roof shingles while clearing snow.
  • Clearing your gutters: Remove any debris from your gutters before winter and regularly clean them during winter. Clogged gutters can cause water to back up, leading to the formation of ice dams.
  • Installing gutter guards: Gutter guards can prevent debris and leaves from clogging the gutters, allowing rainwater and melted snow to flow freely.

Unfortunately, ice dams can be a nuisance for homeowners. The good news is they can be prevented by taking these necessary steps. Always watch for icicles forming along the roof line, sagging gutters, or watermarks. These telltale signs of ice dams should be proactively addressed before they cause substantial damage to your home or business.

Dealing with Ice Dam Damage? Call a Pro!

If you have an ice dam issue, immediately contact a specialist at ServiceMaster by Fuson - Traverse City. Our team can help protect your home from damage, save you from costly repairs, and, most importantly, keep your family safe. We can also help restore any roof or attic damage caused by ice dams.

Our team is available 24/7 and backed by the industry’s best equipment and experience. We have the expertise and tools to remediate mold, water damage, and wood rot quickly and effectively. We also have the knowledge and skills to help you take preventative measures against ice dams.

Are you dealing with the aftermath of an ice dam? Call (231) 202-3873 today for roof and water damage remediation!
