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Mold Removal

Mold grows in a house when there is an abundance of moisture and organic material present. Moisture can come from leaking pipes, condensation on windows or walls, flooding, high humidity levels inside the home due to poor ventilation or inadequate air conditioning systems.

Organic materials such as wood, paper products and fabrics are also necessary for mold growth because they provide food sources that allow it to thrive. Additionally, if the temperature is warm enough (between 40-100 degrees Fahrenheit) then this will further contribute to mold growth within a home environment.

Dealing with a mold problem can be scary, but no need to fear when ServiceMaster by Sunrise Fire and Water Restoration - Wasco County can provide professional mold cleanup!

Our Mold Remediation Process

The mold remediation process involves several steps to ensure that the affected area is properly cleaned and restored.

  • First, a thorough assessment of the affected area must be conducted in order to identify the source of moisture and determine how far-reaching it is.

  • Second, any items or materials that are contaminated with mold must be safely removed from the premises.

  • Third, all remaining surfaces should then be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using appropriate cleaning products designed for use on mold-affected areas.

  • Fourth, air scrubbing equipment may need to be used in order to reduce airborne spores as much as possible before repairs can begin – this step also helps prevent cross contamination between unaffected areas of your home or business space.

  • Finally, once all these steps have been completed correctly by a professional team experienced in dealing with such issues you can rest assured your property will soon look like new again!

Working with our mold remediation company ensures the safest and fastest mold removal process. Our tools & methods are backed by a brand with over 65+ years of experience in restoring homes to their former glory. We’re available 24/7 to help when your property has faced disaster. Reach out today for help!