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Hoarding Cleanup Services in Reading, PA

Most of us fall victim to a little home clutter once in a while, especially when work or personal life gets demanding, but it’s nothing that can’t be cleaned up over a free weekend. Hoarding, on the other hand, is much more than just a messy home. It’s a lifestyle for about five to fourteen million Americans! By definition, hoarding is a disorder where people have difficulty parting with material belongings, leading them to save virtually everything they find value in. Accumulating a large number of prized possessions isn’t necessarily always a bad thing… at least, not until it starts to disrupt everyday life.

hoarding cleanup services

Those who want a fresh start to life can turn to ServiceMaster Assured Cleaning for the leading hoarding cleanup services in Reading, PA, and the surrounding areas. Unlike other cleanup companies, we understand that everything in your home has value, so we don’t treat anything like junk. On the contrary! We’ll help you wade through all of your personal belongings while decluttering your home. As compassionate individuals, we take the time to listen to your conditions, so that we can guarantee your complete satisfaction.

In many cases, severe hoarding restricts access to certain areas of the home. Since these rooms never get clean, they could even be contaminated with infectious germs and bacteria. To make sure you, your family, your home, as well as our crew, stay healthy throughout the process, we’ll bring along our protective equipment and specialized cleaning supplies. Everything will be sanitized and disinfected to make your home feel brand new.

We’ll keep you updated and informed on each step of the process so that you know exactly what’s going on behind the scenes. If we find lost valuables, they will be promptly returned to you. We also make an effort to recycle appropriate products, donate well-kept items, and distribute family heirlooms to any local family members of your choosing.

For professional hoarding cleanup services in Reading, PA, call (484) 249-0621 or contact us online today.