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Firefighter's Day Home Safety Tips

We just celebrated Firefighter's Day on May 4th. This is set for this particular date because it is St. Florian's Day. St. Florian is the patron saint of firefighters. While we thank firefighters everywhere for their service, the best way to honor them is to protect your home with these 3 crucial fire safety steps.

Step one is fire prevention. Keep all flammables away from heat sources. Never leave anything burning or cooking unattended including stoves/ovens, space heaters, fireplaces, and candles. Never smoke in the house and absolutely NEVER smoke in bed. Find and fix any frayed or damaged wiring including home wiring and any electronics used in the home. Be careful to not overload outlets and extension cords.

Step two is fire safety equipment. Use smoke detectors on every floor of the home, and make sure one is in every bedroom and sleeping area. Be sure they are tested and maintained. Be sure to have a fire extinguisher on hand whenever you are cooking or burning anything (fireplace, candles, etc.). Again, be sure they are maintained because during a fire is not the time to discover something you need does not work. By the way, do you know how to use it?  Again, during the fire is not the time to find out.

Step three is fire planning. Everyone staying in your home should know at least two ways to escape and where to meet up after getting out during a fire. It does not hurt to have fire drills to be sure everyone understands where they can go and how to get out. If you have children, be sure they understand how and when to call 911. You never know when you will need them to call for you.

After the fire is put out and everyone is safe, call ServiceMaster of Gwinnett to get help with fire & smoke damage restoration right away. Like the firefighters, we hope you don't need us for something like this, but we are here for you if you do.
