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Seven Hurricane Preparedness Tips for Businesses

As hurricane season approaches, businesses in areas prone to hurricanes should take proactive measures to protect their property and personnel. Even if you haven't experienced a hurricane before, it's always better to be prepared to minimize potential damages caused by strong winds, heavy rain, and storm surges.

Here are some tips to help you prepare your property for hurricane season:

  • Create a hurricane preparedness plan

    • To start, create a comprehensive plan that outlines procedures and policies to follow before, during, and after a hurricane. Your plan should detail what you need to do to secure your property, manage your employees, and plan for business continuity after the storm passes.

  • Conduct a property assessment

    • Next, schedule a property assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities that could exacerbate hurricane damages. Address any existing structural weaknesses such as damaged roofs, windows, doors, or walls, and identify potential hazards, such as trees, signage, or buildings that could fall or collapse during a hurricane.

  • Secure outdoor items

    • Unsecured outdoor items like chairs, tables, signage, and lightweight equipment could become flying debris in the event of a hurricane. Secure all outdoor items, preferably indoors or in an enclosed area.

  • Protect windows and doors

    • Hurricane-force winds can break windows and doors, causing extensive damage to your property's interior. Install storm shutters or impact-resistant glass to protect windows and doors. Also, check that all seals and caulking around windows and doors are intact and replace them if needed.

  • Trim trees and foliage

    • Prune overhanging limbs, branches, and vegetation that are close to your building or power lines. Foliage and loose branches can cause severe damage to property and people when they break off in high winds.

  • Check utility systems

    • Inspect your utility systems like electricity, gas, water, and sewage, and take measures to secure and protect them. If your business relies on electricity, install a backup generator to keep essential equipment and operations running during and after a hurricane.

  • Secure important documents and data

    • Store critical documents, data, and computers off-site or in waterproof containers. Digitalize your important documents and store them on cloud-based storage systems or external hard drives, and back up all data regularly.

By taking these proactive measures to prepare your property for storm season, you'll minimize the potential damages to your business and keep your employees and customers safe. So, don't wait for the storm to hit, start hurricane preparations today!
