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SOOT & SMOKE DAMAGE Restoration in Santa Clarita, CA

POST-FIRE CLEAN-UP Services Near You

Surviving a house fire means that quenching the flames is merely the initial phase of a lengthy recovery process. The residual soot and smoke can continue to wreak havoc on your home and belongings, often inflicting as much damage as the fire itself.

At ServiceMaster Restore by S and S, we offer skilled soot and smoke damage restoration services to restore your property to its pre-loss state. We have the most efficient methods for soot, smoke, and odor damage restoration.

The debris left behind by a fire can be harmful and may cause health complications if not immediately addressed by professionals. Our seasoned team will rapidly and meticulously evaluate the smoke and soot damage and estimate the restoration cost. We'll also inspect other parts of your home to identify any damage resulting from the firefighting process. After a thorough damage assessment, we'll provide an estimate for our cleaning and restoration services.

For reliable smoke and soot damage restoration services in aaa, call us at (661) 349-9424 or contact us online today.

Time is of the essence

When dealing with smoke damage, time is of the essence. Smoke can rapidly degrade your home - it takes only a few minutes to discolor walls, and a matter of hours to discolor kitchen appliance finishes. Other smoke damage includes etching in glass, tarnishing metal, and damaging and corroding other materials in your property.

That's why it's vital to reach out to a professional restoration company immediately after experiencing a fire. ServiceMaster Restore is accessible 24/7 to mitigate damage to your home and commence the restoration process instantly.

Our soot and smoke damage cleaning process involves:

  • Cleaning any accumulated ash residue before it can spread
  • Neutralizing any lingering odors
  • Removing any soot, odors, or stains from any at-risk items, including tile, porcelain, chrome, brass, aluminum, and marble
  • Cleaning carpets, fabrics, and upholstery
  • Deodorizing curtains and carpets prior to their cleaning
  • Utilizing advanced chemicals that disintegrate smoke molecules to rid your home of odors before dry cleaning your clothes

Our team of certified technicians is here to help in your time of need and provide you with the best restoration services available. We understand how important it is for you to get back to normal quickly, and we are committed to delivering results that will make that happen.

For more information about our soot and smoke damage restoration services in Santa Clarita, CA, call us at (661) 349-9424 or contact us online.