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Residential Soot & Smoke Damage Clean-Up in Jackson County, WI

Your Trusted Professionals for Smoke Damage Restoration

Experiencing a house fire can be devastating. Dousing the flames is merely the first step in a complex recovery process. The residual smoke and soot can persistently harm your home and possessions, often causing as much damage as the fire itself.

ServiceMaster of Clark and Jackson County excels in providing specialized smoke damage clean-up and smoke damage restoration services in Clark and Jackson counties, WI. We leverage efficient methods to address soot, smoke, and odor damages.

The Risks of Fire Residue

Fire residue can be hazardous and lead to health complications if not promptly handled by professionals. Our expert team swiftly and exhaustively evaluates the smoke and soot damage, estimating the cost of restoration. We also inspect other areas in your home for any damage incurred during the firefighting process. Upon accurately assessing the damage, we provide an estimate for our smoke damage restoration services.

Our Soot and Smoke Damage Clean-Up Process

Our comprehensive smoke damage clean-up process includes:

  • Clearing accumulated ash residue before it spreads
  • Neutralizing odors
  • Removing soot, odors, or stains from vulnerable items, including tile, porcelain, chrome, brass, aluminum, and marble.
  • Cleaning carpets, fabrics, and upholstery
  • Deodorizing curtains and carpets pre-cleaning
  • Using advanced chemicals to break down smoke molecules and eliminate odors before dry cleaning your clothes

Do's and Don'ts to Minimize Soot and Smoke Damage

With years of experience, ServiceMaster of Clark and Jackson County offers valuable advice to reduce damage to your property:

  • Ventilate your house to lessen smoke odor if weather permits
  • Replace your furnace air filter if you use forced hot air
  • Avoid touching damaged areas with bare hands as skin oils can further harm walls, woodwork, and upholstery
  • Refrain from washing the walls-- this could exacerbate the soot residue.

In essence, don't attempt to clean your home post-fire. This clean-up demands professional expertise specializing in smoke damage restoration. At ServiceMaster of Clark and Jackson County, we are available round the clock to restore your home and peace of mind!

Act Fast Against Smoke Damage in Clark and Jackson Counties

Smoke can rapidly inflict damage on your home. It takes mere minutes to discolor walls and hours to tarnish finishes on appliances. Other consequences include glass etching, metal tarnishing, and damage to other materials throughout your property.

This urgency underscores the importance of contacting a professional restoration company immediately after a fire incident. ServiceMaster of Clark and Jackson County is available 24/7 to mitigate damage to your home and initiate restoration at once.

Need immediate help with smoke damage? Call (715) 226-3957 or contact us online for 24/7 smoke damage restoration near you!