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Fire Safety Tips When Grilling Outside

Now that summer is here, what is more fun than cooking out on the grill? That is until there is a fire. Protect your home and family by using these tips for grilling safely to keep the good times going.

1. Be sure your grill is a safe distance from anything flammable including buildings, trees/bushes and wooden fences.

2. Never grill indoors. Covered areas can catch fire, and enclosed areas can cause carbon monoxide poisoning if using a gas grill.

3. Use long matches or lighters to ignite the flame on the grill so your hands never have to get too close to the fire.

4. Avoid accidental burning by keeping children and pets away from all sources of fire.

5. Never leave a hot grill unattended. Even if not lit, a hot grill can still catch fire until it is fully cooled.

6. Always clean your grill after each use. Build up on the grill can cause a fire hazard the next time you want BBQ.

7. For charcoal grills:

a. Only add enough charcoal to coat the bottom. Excess amounts of charcoal produce extra ashes that can land on flammable items further away causing a fire in an unexpected area.

b. Store the charcoal in an airtight container away from all potential sources of flame.

c. Only use lighter fluid made for charcoal and only on unlit charcoal. Other accelerants or using lighter fluid on an existing fire can cause explosive flames that get out of control.

d. Properly dispose of ashes after they have fully cooled. Ashes can be a source of a new fire if left in the grill or improperly stored.

8. For gas grills:

a. Open the lid before lighting the grill otherwise the trapped gases could have an explosive reaction when lit.

b. Regularly check the gas line for leaks.

c. Store spare tanks away from anything that cause a flame like the grill or lighters.

d. Always turn off the grill using the controls first then cut off the gas line to ensure there is not a gas buildup.

Hopefully this will help you stay safe this summer, but if you do have a fire, call ServiceMaster 5 Points Athens right away to help with your fire & smoke damage restoration.

(706) 543-3333
