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If you are dealing with a hoarding situation don’t be embarrassed. It’s not due to poor organization or laziness. Compulsive hoarding is a complex anxiety disorder that makes it difficult for a person to discard or part with possessions, regardless of actual value. Hoarders may feel the item will be useful one day, or feel sentimental about the items. Many who hoard have dealt with this problem their entire lives, and only after other family members become involved, is the issue addressed.

In addition to excessive clutter, other serious effects of compulsive hoarding can include fire or health hazards and infestations. It may also become impossible to prepare or eat food in the home, or to have appliance, electrical or plumbing repairs conducted because service technicians cannot enter the home.

At ServiceMaster of Baltimore, we know that successfully handling a hoarding situation calls for an honest, realistic approach and skills that can only come from special training and a 60-year legacy of professional cleaning.

ServiceMaster of Baltimore is the right choice for the job because we have developed a proven process to help people affected by hoarding and overwhelming clutter to clean out a home, and move towards a clutter-free life.

ServiceMaster of Baltimore offers the following hoarding services:

  • Understanding, listening, and connecting to the client
  • Creating a customized plan for each client
  • Complete removal of unwanted items from the residence
  • Tagging of items to be saved
  • Moving and storing items, such as major appliances and furniture
  • Full cleaning of residence, including bathrooms and kitchens

A hoarder’s home can be dangerous, unhealthy or both, and dramatic action is required to address the problem and help the person suffering with the effects of hoarding get on the road to recovery. Not only does the situation require experts who can navigate the issues, but also people who treat each client with respect and compassion. For an understanding, professional approach to solving a serious problem, ServiceMaster of Baltimore is your trusted choice.